Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 33: Late Bloomers

33:37 Under the Covers with Eve episode 33 / 34 Sep 23, 2016 18 comments 6434 1505

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In this episode I discuss Late Bloomers, and give you some thoughts on how to appreciate not having achieved everything by the age of 20.

University costs comparison in the last 50 years

Teenage millionaires

Famous Late Bloomers

Life Expectancy 1900-1998

Other audios in Under the Covers with Eve


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  • leytod on 2016-10-02 17:43:54 (UTC)

    Another greatly thought and greatly presented UTC episode. Very happy that you're keeping up this series.

    • A Eve on 2016-10-02 19:28:54 (UTC)

      Thank you so much 💕

  • Rec2299 on 2016-09-29 05:09:51 (UTC)

    Fantastic! You're absolutely correct on all points - you can't judge the value of a fish by its ability to climb a tree.

    • A Eve on 2016-09-30 14:03:22 (UTC)

      haha I love that ❤️

  • NowhereMan on 2016-09-29 00:28:52 (UTC)

    Another Under The Covers that really hits home with me and makes me realize something about myself. Brilliantly done.

    • A Eve on 2016-09-30 14:03:39 (UTC)

      Aw, thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it 💋

  • DiegoJ on 2016-09-25 20:17:23 (UTC)

    That was so right, Eve. Im going through that right now. All i want to do is make my comics, but i don' know how to make a living from it. My parents try to do something that make money, and my life is basically be between that and making what i love. I end up not doing neither so well.

    • A Eve on 2016-09-26 19:38:22 (UTC)

      I hope you keep pursuing your art, it's really fantastic. I hope you see that you have the talent and skill to make a living from it, and that you should try to pursue it. ❤️

  • MadWithLust on 2016-09-25 17:44:17 (UTC)

    Really great points! The world really has changed so much and a lot of the things we took for granted aren't there anymore! The world used to be such a bigger place when you couldn't click on someone's profile and figure out how much "better" they are off then you are. I think it's natural to compare yourself to your immediate social circles but when you are comparing yourself to everyone in the country or world, it's so easy to get discouraged. On the world level, the odds are overwhelming that you'll find someone better than you at whatever. So very few of us are the best in the world but that doesn't mean we can't be happy being the best in the neighborhood or at work or in the family.

    And I can't wait to hear what you have to say about the male gaze!!!

    • A Eve on 2016-09-26 19:39:06 (UTC)

      Oh I think you'll like it :P

  • Jandrusel on 2016-09-24 11:46:37 (UTC) (edited)

    Thoughtful episode as always, Eve. The parts with the facts and statistics was really depressing (nobody said that truths were comfortable), but it was very spot-on and interesting.

    Yeah, I think everyone would benefit from ceasing comparisons between us. It's pointless. The world is highly competitive nowadays, and it's really tough to stay afloat in this sinking ship, but, at the end of the day, we have a life to live. And you're better off walking at your own pace and doing the things you love than cursing and belitting yourself for not having a girlfriend/a musical genius (boy I know this one)/ or an amazing entrepreneur. Not everyone can be like that, and it's okay. The difference between exceptional people and regular folks is that the latter ones don't have anyone to write about them, despite their accomplishments.

    Alas, if you're going to end up in a grave, might as well make the journey, 'your' journey. Fill it with memories and good things that you like so that, in the end, you might be able to say: Damn, it was worth it!

    In my quest to improve myself I've started going to zumba classes. Despite the awkwardness, I no longer feel ashamed of myself for dancing and I'm more comfortable with my body language. And since I'm the only man who has the guts to show up in a room full of women, that only makes it more worthwile ;) Heck, maybe I will get interested in another types of dances in the future. Who knows? The point is, you never know when or where are you going to discover your new passion. It takes a lot of time, sometimes, but life will always have a surprise for you.

    As Mr. E said in his autobiography, 'Things grandchildren should know', "your whole life could change in a second". Here's a tale about a man who survived the deaths of his entire family, and despite his lack of resources and his battle against depression, still managed to accomplish his dream of being a musician. Life will throw shit at you, but if you survive, it only makes you stronger. And you never know when things might change for the better...

    Some things in life are worth the wait. Especially, when it comes to women and sex. And thank you for answering my questions :D

    • A Eve on 2016-09-24 20:49:42 (UTC)

      Hey J - thank you so much, I'm glad this helped. And way to go going to Zumba. I love Zumba, I just can't do all the moves. Good idea being the only guy there, seriously :D

  • joetinla1967 on 2016-09-23 23:33:15 (UTC)

    Good afternoon Miss. Eve,
    Your reaserch on this series is so spot on that's why I will not stop listening as long as you keep doing it that said, as a late bloomer myself I have to admit its not to bad I have the greatest appreciation for a lot of what I have in my life right now that I probably wouldn't have had in my younger days.
    Thank you, your amazing.

    • A Eve on 2016-09-24 20:50:11 (UTC)

      Thank you Joe ❤️

  • micross on 2016-09-23 17:05:33 (UTC)

    Eve, why wasn't you the mother......

    • A Eve on 2016-09-24 20:50:26 (UTC)


  • cuddle_with_me on 2016-09-23 16:20:50 (UTC)

    I'm very happy I don't live in the US right now in terms of finding a job and having to have an endless assortment of diplomas that don't regulate how well-equipped I am to do my job. Academic inflation is alive and well where I work, but at least it's not as necessary, and the economics leave a lot more backs intact, possibly to the grumbles of a few entrepreneurs who nevertheless will get the chance to enlist these talents in a better state than crushing debt and being overworked.

    I am very lucky that I didn't have to achieve everything by the age of 20, because I'd done virtually nothing by then and I hadn't even gotten my driver's license by then (the age here is 18). Many things have come to me since, including a number of things I was convinced would simply never occur in my life at all. Maybe they would have come sooner if I would have driven myself harder, but for whatever reason, that just wasn't how things worked out for me. I don't think I had the capacity and the chutzpah to have put in the 5th gear, or even the 4th. I did many things way too late, but there's a lot of evidence to me to think I would have broken myself trying to do them much sooner than that, possibly with devastating effects if I'd failed.

    Living today is very interesting. My field of interests and work are changing dramatically in ways that bode well for my future, at the same time as part of the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and the part that isn't is going to have to fundamentally restructure itself just so we don't kill each other over this in the next 50 years or so. (What happens to macroeconomics when everyone can have a 3D printer at home - what's IKEA or the Chinese manufacturing industry going to think about being able to print physical objects as long as you have enough spools of resin? What happens to work and unemployment and feeding yourself when more jobs can be handled by robots or computers?)

    It isn't a coincidence that many people look inwards or become focused on social contacts. It's hard to face these other things. But it's doing those things that reinforce the desire to compare. If the human mind does two things, it's to seek patterns and identify threats. These things are incredibly hard to turn off, but maybe there's a way to focus them onto something productive that you do as a hobby or as an interest. I am lucky that I've always had things like that to go to when I've needed release, and I don't blame myself as much as I used to for doing them, because I need to feed my soul too.

    • A Eve on 2016-09-24 20:51:39 (UTC)

      I definitely agree that no one should ever try to force themselves into things before they're ready, just to satisfy some vague sense that they should. Everyone has their own timeline, and I too have gone through my share of things 'later' than most people did. I couldn't have done it any other way, though, so I don't let it bother me.