Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 9: Depression

24:48 Under the Covers with Eve episode 9 / 34 Nov 08, 2015 15 comments 5284 1370

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In this week's episode, I talk about:

  • what depression is, and what it isn't
  • what anti-depressant medication is, and how it works
  • other options for treating depression
  • how it impacts your self-view
  • ideas for getting past it

I want to stress, I am not a medical doctor and this isn't medical advice. Please see your doctor if you think you might be depressed.

Other audios in Under the Covers with Eve


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  • LeaDavenport1968 on 2017-04-28 03:45:57 (UTC)

    Hey Eve,this audio really hit the spot for me,I cannot praise you highly enough for your advice!

    The very detailed description of how anti depressants work and why they are likely to be prescribe for sufferers of clinical depression,is very helpful. I was never given such an in depth description of how my mind and body was labouring under this chemical inbalance. Just that I have one and here is your script fir some help. No explanation or allaying of "zombification"either and you have provided that too! Subsequently I discovered this the hard way by giving in to my fears and discontinuing,only to be sternly rebuked by a different GP when my depression hit even harder! If only the original,prescribing GP had done what you did. As a matter of fact,despite many subsequent visits to my surgery,not one GP ever took the time to explain,as you did how my medication would work!
    What they did do which I can praise is to offer counselling or talk therapy,cognitive behaviour therapy. The only problem being we a waiting list to be placed on before any intervention from a therapist. Said therapists can only offer six sessions,possibly extended after a hiatus of I think it was 3 months.

    Together my meds and the therapy have helped me to reach stability. There were very,very low points,a total loss of enthusiasm for life,to the point where I literally could only stare at walls and barely ate,drank or slept. Although I would regularly find myself unable to move from my bed until midday.
    Imagine what a pitiful sight it was to see a 42 year old man emerging to rejoin the world gradually with visits to the supermarket,escorted by Mum and Sister!

    Seven years on from initial diagnosis and treatment I can now say that I feel fully prepared to embark upon possibly the ultimate test of my recovery,to seek an end to my loneliness and find a relationship with a member of the fairer sex. I still use medication,Venlafaxine but on a reducing scale and with reviews. No longer do I see a therapist but strongly advise CBT at as early a stage as possible,alongside medication.

    I know CBT or counselling is much more commonly sought in the U.S ,here in UK we don't the whole issue in the same way.

    So to close,talk to a counsellor first sign of problems and think of medication alongside. I was interested Eve in how you mention some anti deppressants can be seen on T.V commercials. Is this still so? We don't see them for some reason.

    I could not have been so inspired to go on this search for self improvement without you Eve and that first Eraudica on Youtube!

    Lady Eve,our inspiration!

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-03-02 15:20:03 (UTC)

    Hello Eve,

    I count myself very blessed not to have been seriously impacted by depression; I mean it's not real depression if I can still have faith that, at the end, it will get better, right? But on those down slumps we all experience from time to time, I find immense value in the therapeutic value of pets; I have a pair of lovebirds and their antics seldom fail to pick me up again.

    Several people in my family are pharmacists, and so I have a fairly good idea how technical these explanations on medications and their interactions within the body and with other drugs can get. You do a masterful job parsing out the most important points and conveying them in terms an average patient would understand, which convinces me that you truly do know your stuff!

    Kinda new here, so I didn't know it was your birthday a week ago. So I wish you a very belated Happy Birthday!

    • A Eve on 2017-03-02 18:00:33 (UTC)

      Thank you very much 💋 And you're absolutely right, having a pet to love and care for can make a huge difference in a person's life, I highly recommend it to anyone suffering depression.

      • LeaDavenport1968 on 2017-04-28 03:56:21 (UTC)

        I believe this too Eve but imagine my deeper sense of frustration when I couldn't even move to walk our two Greyhounds for many weeks! Now gone,I feel I let down my two best friends and still carry some regret that I neglected their care but you're right, pets are a valuable tool in the struggle to beat the blues!

        Embrace your pets as Lady Eve advises!


  • ShyPhil on 2016-12-23 04:43:35 (UTC) (edited)

    Hi Eve,
    I Haven't talked to you in a while, Hope your doing well, I'm glad i was able to find your site this year. your recordings really helped me out a lot this year, and i wanted to thank you, for your encouragement as well as the erotic side of your recordings. i'm still very shy, i've been alone since my breakup with my former girlfriend last year, and while i'm alone with no one and no family to celebrate the holidays with, my annual holiday season depression sets in. But this recording was very helpful , thanks for this one, and of course all the others, i'm more than likely going to spend the rest of my life alone and never find that certain someone that i've always craved to find, because i am shy , i don't put myself out there to find someone , and i'm a very ugly and unattractive person that no women would want to spend time with, or find desirable, but i just wanted to say that your recordings have helped very much, so thank you, and i want to wish you a merry xmas , and a happy and safe new year, i look forward to your new recordings and what you have to offer in 2017, thanks take care, and i will talk too you soon
    Shy Phil,
    P S i'm not on instagram but i found your photos on there ...very nice :-)

    • LeaDavenport1968 on 2017-04-28 04:03:43 (UTC)

      Hey Phil,you're story really touched me and as this was an old comment,I do hope life is treating you better now!

      Stick at it Phil and take Lady Eve's advice, who knows maybe you will find another partner again soon!

      Best wishes Phil!

    • A Eve on 2016-12-24 20:18:58 (UTC)

      Hi Phil - I just want you to know that I have no family either, and sometimes I find the holidays very lonely. You can get through this, I promise.

      Never think of yourself as ugly or undesirable, that's the first step in gaining the confidence to meet someone again. You said you had a girlfriend once - so obviously you are attractive to women in some way, right? It can happen again.

      Hang in there, and know that better things are coming. Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year ❤️

  • FallenKnight71 on 2016-01-10 07:43:01 (UTC)

    Thank you so much Eve for covering this subject so well:)
    As someone diagnosed with depression it means a lot. Hopefully this audio will help people get the help that they need and others to be more understanding of those that cope with it.

    • A Eve on 2016-01-11 11:34:59 (UTC)

      Thank you - I agree, I really hope anyone with this issue gets some help for it, there's no need to go on suffering

  • cuddle_with_me on 2015-11-11 19:52:39 (UTC)

    As someone who's not exactly been super cheery and convinced of his own capabilities for most of his life, finding out more about what constitutes depression and how it works is very illuminating. I think there are people in my surroundings who may be depressed. I know stories about people who are and like with any disease, I wouldn't wish it on people - but like alcoholism, substance abuse and mental issues, it's something so many people think you can just "shake off". I imagine that's doubly annoying if it can be consciously affected and changed but just takes a lot more than that.

    Thanks for an informative episode which is more than just a brief video montage fly-by and yet less dramatic and tense than many authoritative sources are. :)

    • A Eve on 2015-11-12 20:13:35 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you! I know this can be a difficult subject, I just wanted to give people some thoughts on how to cope with it. Thanks for listening :D

  • leytod on 2015-11-09 13:08:29 (UTC)

    Surprisingly informative. You clearly have some medical education or at have least read a lot of books. Intelligence is so sexy. Thank you for sharing both your brain and your lovely voice. You've given me some brand new knowledge to help when I talk with 2 people I know who have a depression diagnosis and 1 other person who just gets down often. (Not the boogie kind.)

    And what a remarkable closing about over-entertainment numbness in our current age. Great stuff, Eve!

    • A Eve on 2015-11-11 15:00:33 (UTC)

      Thank you! I was on the path to doctorhood for a while but changed direction...at least I can put all that premed stuff to use now! ;p

  • Arcturus on 2015-11-09 04:24:15 (UTC)

    This was a very informative and helpful episode.

    • A Eve on 2015-11-09 11:06:04 (UTC)

      thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 💋