Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 14: The Case for Making Erotic Audio

28:45 Under the Covers with Eve episode 14 / 34 Dec 15, 2015 21 comments 4203 1285

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This week’s episode - the Better Late than Never Episode - is a discussion of some of the reasons you may be hesitant to start recording and posting erotic audio. Based on survey responses and questions I’ve received, I’ve addressed some of the more common concerns that men in particular have when it comes to taking the plunge and recording something of an erotic nature - and why I really hope you'll consider doing it.

And to help convince you, I’ve enlisted the help of 8 especially delicious female erotic audio performers to add their voices to my appeal. In order, you’ll hear from:









So thanks to the lovely ladies, and to you for listening!

Here are some scriptwriters to check out, in alphabetical order





and I've done some scripts

If your bent is other than vanilla, just look on GWA and you'll find more than you can handle

music by E-train

Other audios in Under the Covers with Eve


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  • charles on 2020-08-16 12:30:15 (UTC)

    Hi Eve, do you have any suggestions about good male performers to look at?

    • A Eve on 2020-08-16 15:02:15 (UTC)

      absolutely, some of my favourites are InMyHandsAudio, Anonyfun35, Gaelforce, Hank Miller Audios and lots more. You can find them all on Vanillaaudio.com, or look for their profiles on GWA

  • Johnny88 on 2019-07-08 16:28:20 (UTC)

    So, balls on the table, how many guys besides Traceur have started doing this since late 2015? Bet you can pave streets with all these male performers theese days^^

    • A Eve on 2019-07-10 22:19:47 (UTC)

      Not sure what you're asking - there has been a huge upsurge in erotic audio in general, not just guys - it's just that the guys tend to be more entrepreneurial about it, and promote themselves more.

      • Johnny88 on 2019-07-13 02:23:44 (UTC) (edited)

        yeah it was a bit cynical tbh. i can imagine the upsurge in erotic audio. i am so new and wouldnt understand if anyone was not into this after finally discovering it, wich isnt easy. bcs u dont just go online thinking "hm im gonna look me for some nice casette tapes to wank to today". i dont even know anymore what made me click on that "only audio" playlist where i foud my first video of you, other then "yeah wtf not" but im so glad i did. i checked out GWA for a bit, and its a whole other world to discover. Like a fantasy-swingerclub filled with ppl as lusty as myself (in the most wholesome and appreciative way). And hell! Some of their voices really let one fade away. all of this is so nice XD. im on a high for days by now.

  • Traceur on 2019-03-17 05:42:04 (UTC)

    Okay, so this is my first post here - I've only recently discovered you, and the whole world of erotic audio, despite it CLEARLY being what arouses me most. I was a VERY late bloomer (I didn't orgasm until I was 21, and didn't masturbate until I was 22), but the first time I did, it was the soundtrack of a scrambled porn channel on the lounge room floor of an ex-girlfriend's house. My interest in porn was always based on the audio aspect (I'd usually pull up a picture of the woman performing and look into her eyes).

    Since discovering this, and becoming comfortable with it, I've debated whether "I" should do this - clearly you're able to help people on more levels than you'll ever know, even if I just speak from my own experience. If I could do that for someone else - to have a woman pleasure herself to ME, that would be AMAZING! I've had a lot of rejection from women in my life, and if a woman were to be aroused, by me, that would be... inconceivable.

    Please continue being awesome.

    • A Eve on 2019-03-23 15:47:18 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! I see someone with this user name newly on GWA, is that you?

      • Traceur on 2019-03-25 02:13:30 (UTC) (edited)

        Guilty as charged! It is SUCH a liberating experience to be there, even if no one ever listens.

        • A Eve on 2019-03-26 13:26:35 (UTC)

          I have a feeling a lot more people listen than you think. Most people never comment at all, or even bother to upvote or favourite. I can have 20,000 listens on an audio and 100 upvotes, one comment.

          Please keep going if you enjoy it - and I promise to go have a listen!

  • MGShadow1989 on 2018-05-09 05:09:17 (UTC) (edited)

    The little bit about accents at the start just made me think of my experiences - I've been with girls who were turned on by me getting annoyed at something, as my voice apparently deepens and the more growly syllables of a Scot's accent flow through, lol

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:02:39 (UTC)

      haha oh I can imagine your Scots accent just makes them all melt. I don't know what it is about certain accents, but it is a real turn on for women.

  • Arcturus on 2015-12-17 21:19:31 (UTC)

    Damn you harmful microscopic germs!

    • A Eve on 2015-12-19 14:30:03 (UTC)

      haha no kidding! I'm still clearing my throat and blowing my noise, when I so want to be blowing other things... :D

  • MadWithLust on 2015-12-17 04:33:09 (UTC)

    This means a lot coming from you since you are quite the star in the erotic audio world! So many good questions and answers!

    I'm sure every erotic audio artist has struggled with all these questions and concerns at one point or another. And your suggestions for tackling them are great!

    Thanks to Eve and all the lovely ladies for sharing your opinions! I'm sure, with all your encouraging words, some men will be eager to oblige you all!

    • A Eve on 2015-12-19 14:30:20 (UTC)

      aww, thank you MWL. I'm so glad you liked it!

  • SomeRandomGuy on 2015-12-16 18:51:03 (UTC)

    I almost burst out laughing at the peach tip. Good stuff.

    • A Eve on 2015-12-19 14:30:34 (UTC)

      Haha you'lll never look at a peach the same way again!

  • leytod on 2015-12-16 18:39:49 (UTC)

    Finely researched and finely answered. Recruiting the voices of other talented girls was a clever addition. I am already looking forward to episode #15!

    • A Eve on 2015-12-19 14:30:52 (UTC)

      Thank you! I'm working on it right now!

  • BeatingStrong on 2015-12-16 15:41:47 (UTC)

    You got me from a definite no to a maybe I should try this. I guess it's not quite what you hoped to achieve with this episode, but I you were persuasive.

    I don't think I can eat another peach without thinking about how it would sound in an erotic audio.

    • A Eve on 2015-12-19 14:31:15 (UTC)

      haha well then my work is done :P

      I hope you do consider it at least...but no pressure :D