Under the Covers with Eve - Episode 2: Romance Novels (ie Sex Manuals)

19:26 Under the Covers with Eve episode 2 / 34 Sep 20, 2015 21 comments 4791 1284

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This week's Under the Covers with Eve is a bit of ramble about something you've probably never given too much thought - romance novels. But in my opinion, since these books are insanely popular with women, it's worth reading one or two to find out what women want from sex and love.

You would be surprised at how graphically sexual modern romance novels are, and you might be surprised at why they are so popular with a lot of women.

As always, these are just my insights and opinions, decide for yourself. :D

Recommended Writers:

Suzanne Brockmann has created a great series called Troubleshooters about a group of Navy SEALs and their various adventures. If you like military themed stories, with a lot of focus on action and adventure, with some atypical heroes and heroines thrown in, you'll like her. The audiobooks are performed extremely well, too

Maya Banks writes very explicit sex scenes and situations (she's the one who wrote about the brothers in love with one woman)

Julie Anne Long is one of the best writers I've ever read, in any genre. Her prose is extraordinary, her way with words will leave you amazed. She writes books set in the Regency period (roughly 1800 England) but her books are worth reading just for the quality of her writing alone

Lora Leigh writes about a private ex-military group, among other things, and her sex scenes are varied and intense

Linda Howard writes books that are as good as any mainstream thriller, with a bit less emphasis on sex and love (although it does feature)

These are just some of the writers you might want to check out, there are countless others.

*music courtesy afrodrumming

Other audios in Under the Covers with Eve


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  • ThatoneBritishidiot on 2019-04-03 14:16:40 (UTC)

    interesting episode as always Eve. Now before I go on a little bit of a rant I would just like to say I believe people should be able to like what they want to (I mean I'm a massive nerd, it'd be hypocritical of me to think other wise), and generally I have no problem with romance novels but, and I hesitate to call this series romance, I detest fifty shades of grey. I detest its romanticization of abuse, its portrayal of BDSM as unhealthy, and its disgusting views on mental health! if you want a more in-depth analysis of this series and its messages, may I recommend a YouTuber called TheDom, he does a series called lost in adaptation, which looks at books and how well (or poorly) they were adapted for the silver screen, each book has 3 videos on it, one talking about/explaining the plot, one analyzing the plot and one reviewing the film as an adaptation (some are split into 2 parts, mainly the analysis videos).They explain how I feel very well. Sorry for the rant and have a good day.

    • A Eve on 2019-04-03 21:15:38 (UTC)

      I hear you, I have never read 50 Shades, nor seen the movie, and I have zero interest in it. Mostly I find 'dom' stuff just flat out absurd, but beyond my personal taste, I agree with you that it sends a very confusing message especially to men, who hear nothing but outrage from women about even speaking to them inappropriately - and then they all go nuts for some guy choking them and abusing them in the name of sex.

      I know there's more to the D/s thing than this, but to the 'lay person', so to speak, it can be a very contradictory thing, and I wouldn't go near it in my writing.

  • GothicRedeemer on 2018-08-02 14:59:47 (UTC)

    I almost checked out Maya Banks at the library. I still can't shake the feeling I should wear a fedora, a trench coat, and some sunglasses. People at my library are moving around 50 Shades on the shelves so patrons can't find it.

    But I agree. Romance novels written by women are a great way to learn about women. As is coming here.

    • A Eve on 2018-08-16 19:30:54 (UTC)

      haha I know it can be a bit intimidating, especially for a guy. Most libraries use the Overdrive or the Libby system now where you can borrow the ebook and read it at home - and the author gets paid for every loan, so it's win win.

      I'm still pretty pissed off that people would go to the trouble of trying to make Fifty Shades 'unfindable' for other people - hard to believe that others still think they can dictate the morality of other people. But I see it every day, in all the attacks and abuse I get from people who hate what I do. I'm glad to be putting up a fight against it.

  • Nejove on 2017-05-05 02:05:55 (UTC)

    As much as people like to poke fun at romance novels sometimes, even as a man who has never even tried reading one (at least for now), I can completely understand why women (or anyone, really) might enjoy them. Even beyond the catharsis, a certain degree of mental and emotional stimulation and broader appeal beyond the sex itself just tends to make for a better experience. After all, "conventional porn" rarely has anything to offer beyond just eye candy and raw sex. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that, but I find that it usually just physically arouses you on an almost primal level for a while and then QUICKLY loses its appeal once your mind gets bored with it. It may be harder to make or find, but it feels much better (usually for considerably longer) if you can find a form of porn that you can get immersed in on a mental level. Your brain is your most important sex organ, after all.

    • A Eve on 2017-05-06 14:02:38 (UTC)

      I agree completely ❤️

  • byronic on 2016-12-17 19:34:38 (UTC)

    [Newly registered Eveista here.] Eve, what have you done? I've just gone and bought a Kindle copy of one of Julie Anne Long's. And now I find I'm really looking forward to it - although the snob in my wishes Kindle did brown paper cover versions...
    More generally: Many thanks for your audios. I've only just started on this audio mountain, but you seem incredibly giving and generous in all the recordings I've listend to so far!

    • A Eve on 2016-12-18 17:54:26 (UTC)

      haha, aw you're going to love it...she has such a unique style that even aside from the romance aspects she's an incredibly enjoyable read. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you ❤️

  • MrBonds on 2016-04-14 19:28:43 (UTC)

    Very revealing stuff in this one. I have read a few romance novels and you are right, the sex scenes can be very descriptive and scorching hot. I understand that a woman wants to be loved and treasured, but once in a while doesn't she want to be a bit slutty and whorish? (ridden hard and put away wet ;)) I am not saying she is a slut, but that she wants to act the slut. Personally, I find women who have a reputation as "easy" kind of a turn on.

    • A Eve on 2016-04-14 20:01:21 (UTC)

      Yes, that's the thing about romance novels (and women I guess) - people tend to think it's all about romance and feelings, but a lot of the time, we want the same things men want :P

  • AusieJohn on 2016-04-03 00:21:43 (UTC) (edited)

    Another great Episode Eve.
    It kind of left me wondering a bit about myself thought. I related with the shame or guilt feeling I used to get, never quiet understanding why I should have that kind of feeling, but I can honestly say I have never thought of a girl after having sex as a whore, or easy slut etc.
    As far as the new era of novels goes, yes totally agree, I wish my wife would read some!

    • ntnrocket on 2016-04-04 19:58:18 (UTC)

      I think for many men, if a woman they are attracted to lets them get physical and it goes very well--both let go and open up to each other with hot passion--it usually happens sooner than later. But then the guy might think afterwards, "Jeez, if she got with my sorry ass so fast, who else is she getting with fast??" It's a horrible double standard which hurts everyone. Then, he wants to be more of a gentleman and wait a bit, when the guy finally tries to tell her how he feels, and his heart is a bit more invested in her, then it's "Let's just be friends" time because she's got a new buddy now and doesn't want to give him up like that. Sometimes it seems like no one can win.

    • A Eve on 2016-04-03 13:57:31 (UTC)

      haha yes, I think everyone should read them! They are way hotter than people know

  • FallenKnight71 on 2016-02-24 01:42:11 (UTC)

    Great audio again Eve:) Yes I know I am very random in listening to your audios:P
    I emember in my early teen years borrowing a few of my Mom's romance novels. I still fondly remember a couple of the stories still. It was educational and it is good to know that it may have helped me over the years too:)

    • A Eve on 2016-02-24 11:28:11 (UTC)

      Thank you! I definitely believe romance novels, especially modern ones, should be required reading. They are way more erotic than most people know - in fact many of them are way beyond 50 Shades of Grey, but because they take place in a 'cheesy romance', most people don't know it :)

    • A Eve on 2015-12-09 20:31:32 (UTC)

      Oh you're very welcome, and I'm glad you did! I'll read it as soon as I can!

        • A Eve on 2015-12-12 20:22:23 (UTC)

          Yes, exactly. A lot of erotic fiction has this as a central theme - showing a woman an example of overcoming hardship. It's more than just a roll in the hay (although that's pretty cool on it's own :P)

  • 20DollarEarBuds on 2015-09-24 04:25:18 (UTC)

    Great job with this one! Really liked the intro/ outro music. A light backing track might fit nice as well.

    • A Eve on 2015-09-29 12:07:36 (UTC)

      that's a good idea, I might give that a try, thanks!

  • MadWithLust on 2015-09-22 15:01:54 (UTC)

    OMG, I'll be dating myself here but as a horny teenager, before I had access to old Playboys and internet porn, I would flip through romance novels to find the sex scenes! They were so hot! I remember just trying to find a hot, passionate scene, expecting kissing and fade to black...boy was I shocked! The ones I was reading were not too graphic, flowery prose ("feeling his heat enter her", "tasting her folds")...but it made my "seed spill out" on many occasions!

    But since then, I have also discovered the really raunchy stuff, which convinced me that women can be just as much of a horndog as a man, maybe even more so! I am surprised to find so many anal scenes, MMF threesome scenes (Yep, Maya Banks and *ahem* Evangeline Anderson, you know, or so I hear from a friend... :P ), BDSM scenes...

    • A Eve on 2015-09-29 12:08:28 (UTC)

      haha...yes, if you look, there's much raunchier sex than I think Walmart knows about, for example, when they sell these things at the checkout :P