Sweet Nothings - All Over the Place (A Long Ramble)

47:36 Sweet Nothings Feb 01, 2023 10 comments 3012 626

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As the title says, this long Sweet Nothings is all over the place, it's a true ramble.

And bonus points if you know what kind of chamber I was thinking of (hint, it's definitely not bariatric 😂)

Other audios in Sweet Nothings


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  • MadWithLust on 2023-02-16 12:51:51 (UTC)

    It took me several listens to get the whole audio! You have some extra strength cuddle magic spells because every time, I would be good for about 10-15 minutes, and then magically the covers would be just a little bit warmer and cozier, I'd shift my position just a tiny bit deeper into the bed, my pillow would be just a little bit fluffier...then next thing I know, the audio is at the end and I didn't get all the juicy ramble details (at least on that one topic).

    And yes, this ramble was all over the place but you always ramble the most interesting things! I can't cover them all in the comments but I definitely wanted you to know that "It's OK not to be OK", some sweetheart told me that... :P. And that you can still be Doctor or Nurse Eve any time...

    And for bonus points, it's definitely "bar-", I thought it's probably "barometric", or maybe "hyperbaric". Barometric final cuddlemillionaire answer! :P

    • A Eve on 2023-03-19 22:10:59 (UTC)

      haha you had it right! It's hyperbaric!

      I'm so sorry, I can't give you the cuddlemillion, I can just give you a million cuddles!

      • MadWithLust on 2023-03-22 11:39:32 (UTC)

        Aw, so close! it's OK about the cuddlemillion though...I know the not-so-secret secret...you're the real grand prize! :D

        But still...I wouldn't say no to a million cuddles with a sweetie like you! ♥

        • A Eve on 2023-04-17 19:59:30 (UTC)

          d'awww 😊

  • LoganWynnWales090 on 2023-02-05 17:28:21 (UTC)

    My love and I, we work well together But often we're apart Absence makes the heart lose weight, yeah, Till love breaks down, love breaks down

    Oh my, oh my, have you seen the weather The sweet september rain Rain on me like no other Until I drown, until I drown

    When love breaks down The things you do To stop the truth from hurting you When love breaks down The lies we tell, They only serve to fool ourselves, When love breaks down The things you do To stop the truth from hurting you When love breaks down The things you do To stop the truth from hurting you When love breaks down, Love breaks down

    My love and I, we are boxing clever She'll never crowd me out Fall be free as old confetti And paint the town, paint the town When love breaks down The things you do To stop the truth from hurting you When love breaks down The lies we tell, They only serve to fool ourselves, When love breaks down… 💜🖤

    • A Eve on 2023-02-08 11:43:15 (UTC)

      80's Brit pop is the best!

  • Aretoo2738 on 2023-02-04 07:41:55 (UTC)

    There's just something special about having you do a Sweet Nothings, Eve! I've missed you! 😌 Thank you for doing a new one! I think we both need it. 🙄

    • A Eve on 2023-02-08 11:40:50 (UTC)

      I agree, I've missed doing them ❤️

  • SubbyBoy on 2023-02-02 19:32:14 (UTC)

    The perfect audio for the upcoming weekend. Thank you Miss Eve :)

    • A Eve on 2023-02-08 11:40:27 (UTC)

      You're very welcome! xx