Noah and Kate
40 audios
My new erotic romance novel, being written and published chapter by chapter with support and encouragement from fans at Patreon. If you'd like to help me create this book, see some behind the scenes stuff, and get the text version of it in PDF form, as well as hear these audios first, please consider my dollar-a-month Patreon page. It helps keep me accountable to you, and motivates me to write!
I also have a new Youtube Channel for Eve Elliot where I'll be posting audio versions of my novels and other fiction.
Chapter Thirty Seven - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
35:30 Noah and Kate Dec 23, 2024 4 comments 510 71 13
- audio book
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty Six - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
36:30 Noah and Kate Dec 16, 2024 8 comments 498 69 15
- audio book
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- Novel
- romance novel
- story
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty Five - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
39:15 Noah and Kate Sep 05, 2024 8 comments 1091 131 19
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty Four - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
23:24 Noah and Kate May 02, 2024 8 comments 942 214 24
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty Three - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
38:47 Noah and Kate Dec 11, 2023 4 comments 1364 308 25
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty Two - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
35:02 Noah and Kate Oct 04, 2023 4 comments 1163 284 26
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty One - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
36:30 Noah and Kate Aug 15, 2023 6 comments 1049 251 19
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirty - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
34:03 Noah and Kate Jul 23, 2023 12 comments 1035 259 18
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Nine - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
22:34 Noah and Kate May 31, 2023 7 comments 1161 258 20
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Eight - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
38:34 Noah and Kate Apr 10, 2023 8 comments 1438 305 24
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Seven - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
22:46 Noah and Kate Jan 22, 2023 6 comments 1341 366 25
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Six - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
22:09 Noah and Kate Oct 16, 2022 8 comments 1543 390 21
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Five - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
30:37 Noah and Kate Sep 06, 2022 2 comments 1455 384 34
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Four - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
31:58 Noah and Kate Aug 06, 2022 3 comments 1037 303 23
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Three - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
22:36 Noah and Kate May 05, 2022 4 comments 1457 336 28
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty Two - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
22:40 Noah and Kate Feb 05, 2022 8 comments 1374 423 30
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty One - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
52:08 Noah and Kate Nov 07, 2021 6 comments 2470 481 49
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twenty - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
23:12 Noah and Kate Oct 15, 2021 6 comments 1386 419 24
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Nineteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
45:11 Noah and Kate Sep 28, 2021 6 comments 1522 432 27
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Eighteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
36:20 Noah and Kate Jul 23, 2021 8 comments 1351 479 23
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- Novel
- reading
- romance
- romance novels
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Seventeen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
39:14 Noah and Kate Jun 18, 2021 8 comments 1514 418 19
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- Novel
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Sixteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
34:04 Noah and Kate May 15, 2021 5 comments 1627 481 25
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Fifteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
47:44 Noah and Kate Apr 23, 2021 4 comments 2045 527 37
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Fourteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
37:14 Noah and Kate Mar 23, 2021 6 comments 1983 549 27
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- Novel
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Thirteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
32:22 Noah and Kate Feb 04, 2021 4 comments 1698 471 27
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- Novel
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Twelve - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
41:46 Noah and Kate Dec 27, 2020 10 comments 1987 595 22
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- reading
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Eleven - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
36:57 Noah and Kate Oct 20, 2020 2 comments 1912 585 31
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Ten - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
43:30 Noah and Kate Sep 14, 2020 4 comments 2103 603 31
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Nine - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
25:51 Noah and Kate Jul 04, 2020 4 comments 2128 643 24
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Eight Part 2 - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
18:22 Noah and Kate May 14, 2020 4 comments 2995 955 30
- audiobook
- Eve Elliot
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Eight Part 1 - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
18:44 Noah and Kate Apr 07, 2020 4 comments 3140 953 31
- audiobook
- Eve Elliot
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Seven - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
38:26 Noah and Kate Dec 19, 2019 5 comments 4057 1376 35
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Six - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
40:15 Noah and Kate Nov 03, 2019 4 comments 4428 2074 45
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliott
Chapter Five - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
38:23 Noah and Kate Oct 10, 2019 2 comments 4833 2090 36
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Four - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
33:07 Noah and Kate Aug 03, 2019 6 comments 5040 1171 48
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Three - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
33:43 Noah and Kate Jun 30, 2019 10 comments 5660 1229 38
- audiobook
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter Two - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
31:08 Noah and Kate May 27, 2019 13 comments 7067 1338 55
- audiobook
- erotic romance
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- romance novel
- written by Eve Elliot
Chapter One - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
40:55 Noah and Kate Apr 01, 2019 14 comments 10582 1883 73
- audiobook
- erotic fiction
- erotic romance
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- Noah and Kate
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot
Prologue - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)
36:42 Noah and Kate Mar 20, 2019 12 comments 9582 1493 72
- erotic romance
- Fiction
- Fiction by Eve
- narration
- Noah and Kate
- romance novel
- story
- writing
- written by Eve Elliot