Chapter Thirty - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

34:03 Noah and Kate Jul 23, 2023 12 comments 1032 259

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A pivotal chapter in understanding Noah...

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  • MadWithLust on 2023-08-08 10:42:22 (UTC)

    I started this chapter maybe a week ago, but had to stop halfway through, sensing a dark turn and steep drop in the roller coaster when Noah just started telling the story of the night. But I'm having a hard time mustering the courage to finish the chapter. I keep thinking about that mention in passing in one of the earlier chapters of what happened to Noah and Paige's family. I just was not in a place to take that kind of gut punch!

    I might have to wait for Chapter 31 to come out so I don't have to hang on the edge of my seat at this point of the story for too long...I know this isn't how it ends but when you have these two that are just so lovable...this is so heart wrenching! It's like I'm so invested in these sure know how to write a story!!!

    • A Eve on 2023-08-19 18:12:56 (UTC)

      Aw MWL!! Chapter 31 is up now, and there's nothing saying you have to finish Chapter 30. Please remember, happy ending!!!

      • MadWithLust on 2023-09-16 13:40:30 (UTC)

        With Chapter 31 ready, I finished this chapter! As hard to listen as it was (from a plot development perspective only, I love the way you tell a story!), this was an incredible revelation about Noah and I wasn't expecting that response from Kate. I mean, I did but those words and that cliffhanger! This seems like such an impossible situation for both of them and it feels so tragic. I can't figure out a way to the happy ending but an Eve promise is something special. You have quite a special magic, especially for "Happy endings" :P

        • A Eve on 2023-09-21 21:14:12 (UTC)

          haha I really do!

  • wearerobin on 2023-08-05 01:40:31 (UTC)

    So I’m usually super lighthearted and fun in all my comments. But this chapter doesn’t inspire lightheartedness or fun. This chapter broke my heart. Like I’m sad after listening to this. Heck, when Noah was explaining the accident to Kate, I had to pause and collect myself several times. My heart broke for those kids and their parents. My heart broke for our goofy leading man, and my heart broke for my god sis Kate. Seriously, I was so sad for everyone. I like Kate want so much more for Noah. She’s right he deserves the world. But so does she! Of course, Noah has been through traumatic situations after working as a paramedic for 15 years. He deserves the opportunity to travel the world. But Kate deserves the family life she wants with kids and a loving husband. Their paths are diverging and I hate that. I want them together, but I don’t want either of them to sacrifice their dreams and desires. My heart just breaks for their love. Eve, you really have something with this story. Bravo!

    • A Eve on 2023-08-19 18:11:55 (UTC)

      Aww, come on, you're going to make me cry too! Thank you so much for such a lovely comment!

  • Aadam on 2023-07-31 01:12:22 (UTC) (edited)

    Oh God! What a talent to throw wrenches into this story. First there's the issue with mailing seeds to other countries and now, this? How in the world is this going to have the happy ending we're all craving for? And who's chopping onions for Christ's sakes? Honestly I don't know whether to curl up into the fetal position and cry or to mentally hug Noah and Kate and tell them that everything will sort itself out (edit: while crying, of course) . This chapter went in deep (or right in the feels as some would say).

    I know could come up with a similar conundrum but I also know I couldn't come up with a satisfying way to solve it. I have mad respect for you as a writer because if you were brave enough to go down this path, you also know how you are going to navigate it. I can't wait to see (hear?) how this is going to unfold. Cheers.

    P. S.: Please get me out of this roller coaster. I can't handle the emotional whiplash any longer.

    P.P.S.: Have mercy on us, Eve, have mercy, for we have endured no end of ups and downs in this story

    • A Eve on 2023-08-01 13:45:02 (UTC)

      I hope everyone will like how it unfolds...I do, so hopefully you will too!

    • Aadam on 2023-07-31 01:40:02 (UTC)

      I just wanted to say that I quoted Prayers to Eve 1:1 in my P.P.S. :p

      • A Eve on 2023-08-01 13:44:32 (UTC)

        haha prayers to me now...well don't worry, your roller coaster will be over soon :)

  • Car54whereartthou on 2023-07-24 22:15:55 (UTC)

    This chapter really dove right in hardcore (NOT as in porn) to answer several burning questions. And it kicked a little dust on some preconceived notions that I had developed. Looking forward to seeing how Kate handles such a flaming disappointment without taking a point of no return decision about Noah!

    • A Eve on 2023-08-01 13:43:55 (UTC)

      I'm glad this chapter hit so well, I was hoping it would!