Chapter Twenty - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

23:12 Noah and Kate Oct 15, 2021 6 comments 1383 419

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Kate's mystery date night arrives, and Noah is there to look out for her when...

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Other audios in Noah and Kate


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  • Aadam on 2021-10-20 00:24:15 (UTC)

    This guy? Again? I thought he was just the trigger for the story and that he would be forgotten, never to be mentioned again. And his middle name is my username?! Do you not like me? What have I done to deserve this?🤣. Sorry for being such a drama king, but He who shall not be named triggers me beyond reason (I like hyperbole, sue me 😜), so much so that hearing his name dug me out of the cave I was happily lurking in.

    I hope Kate cancels her account. Nothing good will come of it (he said with a motherly tone). I also hope Noah comes to his senses. He should absolutely go to Honduras and Panama, but... Aargh, this is so hard. Why Eve? Y U do dis?

    In any case, this is fantastic work. I'm torn apart and yet I don't have enough chapters of this story in my life. As you can see, I'm enjoying my ride on this crazy roller coaster of love. Cheers Eve, keep doing what you're doing and I look forward to seeing how you'll untangle this beautiful knot that you've created.

    • A Eve on 2021-10-29 21:00:48 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! I love that "Y U do dis?" haha

  • MadWithLust on 2021-10-18 12:46:06 (UTC)

    Oh, the twists and turns!!! I did not see this one coming at all!

    I knew I wasn't going to like the date, but him??? What a douche! Sorry, that's totally an insult against douches... 😡

    I just hope dear Katie May doesn't do anything rash while she's being emotional (which is totally understandable given that conversation). But maybe this'll be what turns her off that horrible dating site and into her true love... sighs

    But I still feel like I"m watching the trainwreck in slow motion...what happens next with Noah? Is he going to reveal his answer to that phone call? And what's going to happen with that diary? I can't take any more tears from Kate!

    I still think your working title is appropriate... :P

    • Aadam on 2021-10-20 00:26:30 (UTC) (edited)

      I still think your working title is appropriate... :P

      Hear, hear

  • Nero on 2021-10-16 20:10:11 (UTC)

    Hi Eve, I am Nero, and I am the biggest fan of your audios. I have been listening to your audios since 3 years and I can't stop listening to them. I love the noah and Kate novel I think it defines so much about love and fear of loss and so much more, and I would really love to listen the next chapter soon. I know you are best at creating audios and nowadays, I am going through some worst time and I don't have anyone to talk about it and it makes me sad and I can't get out of it. Your audios are the things that let me escape to the world where no one can stop me, your audios showed me what love really is, and you can find it too except that, I am single. I need someone to talk to so I thought to tell you. You are the best, love the novel want to hear more of it and I hope I get to meet you someday and to learn to write like you. ☺☺ Nero.

    • A Eve on 2021-10-29 21:02:21 (UTC)

      Aw, thank you so much for being such a long time listener, Nero! I know things are tough right now, but this is when you have to dive deep and find that pool of inner strength we all have. Life is just too wonderful to give up on. You will find someone to love, and in the meantime, you always have my work xox