Chapter Eighteen - Noah & Kate (my new erotic romance novel)

36:20 Noah and Kate Jul 23, 2021 8 comments 1351 479

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It's CPR class night at the Senior's Centre, and Noah has no idea what he's let himself in for. Plus, a fellow medic asks Kate out...

if you'd like to help me create this book, see some behind the scenes stuff, and get the text version of it in PDF form, as well as hear these audios first, please consider my dollar-a-month Patreon page. It helps keep me accountable to you, and motivates me to write! Members can also take part in Zoom calls with me once in a while to discuss writing.

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Other audios in Noah and Kate


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  • SeaReader on 2021-09-11 21:37:11 (UTC)

    You know we're dying here, right, waiting for the story to continue. Your voice, your characters, your story, the intimacy of it all. Just saying that, even though it is absolutely worth the wait, it isn't easy. You've become a romance and erotica touchstone, a place to let go, to unwind, and to indulge. I look forward to hearing your next word, and the next, and the next...

    • A Eve on 2021-09-25 11:05:46 (UTC)

      I am so touched by this! Thank you so much! I will be posting the next chapter this week xx

  • Eren on 2021-09-02 11:00:56 (UTC) (edited)

    Hey eve, was just curious when the next part will be out . Looking forward to it.

    • A Eve on 2021-09-08 20:36:25 (UTC)

      I'll be releasing it in a week or two, the audios go to my Patreon page first as a thank you to subscribers, and then I release it here about a week later. Thanks for asking, it makes me feel good!

  • MadWithLust on 2021-07-26 11:33:24 (UTC) (edited)

    Whew, that chapter teaser... Especially that last little bit, you had me worried!

    But this was a chapter with lots of fun moments and so many great characters. And corresponding voices!!! You put in overtime for this one with all those wise-cracks!

    And I loved the Kate and Paige going full fangirl on the uniforms, but that sultry moment between Noah and gave me a big ol' anticipation boner! Is it finally going to happen? Will he finally knock some "sense" "into her" if you know what I mean? :P

    And Foreshadowing on that rock and the stars??? So much yes, but then that tone at the hit me the wrong way (I"m sure it's intentional by that roller coaster designer author... :P)

    • A Eve on 2021-08-09 22:54:39 (UTC)

      haha I'm glad you liked the wisecracks, I think novels like this need a bit of comic relief now and then.

      And you know me, the roller coaster is where it's at!

      (Although I admit the second half of this book will have fewer dips and valleys than SWM did)

  • AverageBoobLover on 2021-07-25 06:48:34 (UTC) (edited)

    Waaahhh, Nooooooo. We have to wait a month??! Darn it Eve. :P

    • A Eve on 2021-07-25 09:09:55 (UTC)

      haha awww 😘 I'm actually getting ahead of schedule, so I'm going to release Chapter 19 before the end of July as well xx