Love Bites - Grocery Store Thoughts...

06:56 Love Bites Oct 18, 2017 25 comments 6046 3158

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Hi I read something the other day that I want to talk to you about. I'm serious.

I want to have a serious, adult, mature conversation with you. I mean it...

Other audios in series Love Bites


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  • ChristopherPi on 2017-10-23 06:06:43 (UTC)

    Do not try listening to this in public, because crying with laughter in a supermarket does get you some strange looks!

    • A Eve on 2017-10-23 11:54:29 (UTC)

      haha sorry about that! :P

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-10-21 14:56:35 (UTC)

    As if I don't think about sex enough. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were training us to develop a produce fetish. Is this a clever trick to get us to eat our fruits and vegetables? :P

    • A Eve on 2017-10-21 20:30:12 (UTC)

      haha yes! :P

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-22 01:57:48 (UTC)

        I find myself searching for Tofurkey meatless deli slices and thinking about vegan pizza. This Pavlovian conditioning experiment on your listeners might be working...

        • A Eve on 2017-10-23 11:57:56 (UTC)

          haha so my plan is working! hahahahahhaaha

          No, seriously...the point I always make to carnivore friends is that even if you choose some vegetarian alternatives now and then, it doesn't mean you've gone 'full granola', if you know what I mean. You don't have to stop shaving and wearing shoes, give up your deodorant and go live in Berkeley. It's just another kind of food.

          I also point out simple things like - did you ever notice that all the chips and cheesies we all eat are essentially just vegetables? Potatoes and corn. Usually fried to oblivion and pumped full of fat, yes, but if someone told you 'oh look, you're eating something made from vegetables, what a rebel you are' I think you'd shake your head in disbelief.

          The same is true for veggie burgers, hot dogs, mince, deli slices, etc. It's just made from a vegetable at its source, like so many other things we eat.

          • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-23 12:58:48 (UTC)

            Exactly, Eve! I don't see vegetarianism as having to be an all-or-nothing proposition; if what I am aiming for is 75% vegetarian that's still a vast improvement over 'mostly carnivorous' and a greater shift away from meat and dairy is likely what the Canadian Food Guide's 2018 update will emphasize anyway. Even carnivores who care about the quality of the meat they consume are paying attention to details like what the animal is eating, e.g. corn-fed vs grass-fed, 100% vegetarian-feed, etc.. About your point on snack foods and meatless alternatives, I like the idea of 'stealth vegetarianism'.

            I saw your tweet this morning about the FotC coming to town on tour - I bet you're as giddy as a teenager before her first boy-band concert! 😋 This is also in town this Wednesday and you probably heard of it, the Vegan Dublin Food Tour. Pub crawl for vegetarians. :)

            • A Eve on 2017-10-26 14:14:06 (UTC)

              Yes, I've heard of that but I haven't done it yet. Most of the vegan restaurants here are very focused on Eastern dishes, and I find most of them too spicy or full of Death Onions for me. I'd love to open up a vegetarian diner, like a real greasy spoon, that serves burgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza, you name it - just meatless. Maybe I'll move to Salt Spring Island and give it a go!

              • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-27 05:36:16 (UTC)

                Sounds delicious! With the West Coast emphasis on healthy, sustainable, gluten-free options, a vegetarian diner would be of course an organic fit in pretty much any community on the Island or the Southern Gulfs. You've been all over the States like Guy Fieri has on his Food Network show, "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives"; I don't think anyone walks away from that experience without a vastly enriched palette of regional culinary ideas!

        • billymacorbuddy on 2017-10-22 20:38:45 (UTC)

          Well, I ordered a veggie stromboli last night and that's never happened before so...

          • A Eve on 2017-10-23 11:58:36 (UTC)

            I'm so happy! Did you like it?

            • billymacorbuddy on 2017-10-23 12:28:03 (UTC)

              Of course! It was full of fresh peppers and onions, what's not to like?

              • A Eve on 2017-10-23 12:31:05 (UTC)

                well the onions would kill me, but I hear you!

  • Georgio36 on 2017-10-19 01:25:25 (UTC)

    Oh Goodness Eve you get me soo hot the way you talk about produce, fruits especially those big Melons. I guess you can say im melon boy 😄. How did you know that my favorite fruit is peaches?? I would love to have some of the peach you was talking about 🍑.

    As for the topic of if a relationship revolves to much around sex? I don't think it's a bad thing. I mean if you really care about someone emotionally as a whole; then it shouldn't matter how much sex you have.

    It's a physical way to show much your partner means to you. Cuz to me, sex isn't the only thing. Sure it's important but also just hearing a lady voice while wrapped up in her arms talking everynight easily excites me.

    But these are just my thoughts. Hope you are smiling wherever you are. I wish i could come to the grocery store with you cuz you make it sound fun. Especially with that word sexish. I like that word 😄. Anyways have a lovely day! 🌸

    • A Eve on 2017-10-19 19:47:32 (UTC)

      haha yes I should arrange a field trip to the grocery store!

  • SamuelXD on 2017-10-18 22:49:49 (UTC)

    Well my love, we can talk out about how food is a fetishized commodity or how you came up with your stuffed pepper recipe 😉 (BTW, thank you for making it tonight).

    We can discuss how much I hate Despacito, yet I would not be opposed to listening to Wild Thoughts for an entire day or we can talk about what makes fresh produce attractive. You mentioned carrots, bananas and plums.

    For me, it's a peach. There is nothing like a ripe, round, juicy, succulent peach that explodes with juice, after every bite and you don't want the juice to get on your hand, so you slurp it as fast as possible and you savour every drop of that sweet, delicious nectar 😍😍😍... (sorry, I got carried away) Ooh, is it possible for you to make peach cobbler for dessert? 🤤 I need something ooey and gooey to stuff my face with... ok I'll stop now 😉

    • A Eve on 2017-10-19 19:47:59 (UTC)

      haha I love it!

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-18 20:45:43 (UTC)

    Carrots, bananas and plums. Mike Rifone's going to have quite an eclectic body composition that - oh yes, right, you wanted to talk all adulty and mature-like.

    We can certainly talk about non-sexual stuff like the sciences, because as sure as an eggplant is purple I can't do science with my maths-challenged brain. Haha, or perhaps that was the wrong produce to use considering those odd white and orange heirloom varieties. Or we can discuss vegetarianism and how you're polishing it with the sheen of sex appeal every time you send me these voicemails from the grocery. Seriously, darling, I could almost swear you've an underlying agenda here. I can't remember anymore the last time I looked at a peach platonically...

    And I'll award you extra points for ironically talking about having a 'normal' less-sexual relationship with a sexual song like Despacito playing in the background! 😁 (I thought most supermarkets and grocery stores in Ireland and the U.K. don't play background music?)

    • A Eve on 2017-10-19 19:42:34 (UTC)

      Here's the funny thing - I don't even know what Despacito is, and I certainly didn't know it was playing while I did this! And they do play music in the stores, I just don't notice it most of the time. Maybe there are subliminal messages like "buy more Lyons!"

      • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-10-19 20:30:57 (UTC)

        Despacito was the de facto summer song of 2017 here in North America, it was on the radio a lot and people played it on their car stereos. I'm a bit too old now to go out clubbing but I'm certain they played it a lot on the dancefloors too.

        Yes, I will be ordering more Lyons when I run low - their jingle 'Extra Quality Extra Flavour Lyons the Quality Tea' really sticks! :P

        • A Eve on 2017-10-20 20:36:56 (UTC)

          I just youtubed it, and I don't think I'd ever heard it! I'm too out of the loop! :P

  • Vermouth1991 on 2017-10-18 16:39:27 (UTC)

    My banana is ready, my plums are churning for you, and I cannot wait to dive headfirst into your ripe pair of melons, and then taste your juicy oyster until your juices flow ... fuck that, you're already being more mature than I am. Come here and worship this salami. 😍

    • A Eve on 2017-10-19 19:40:53 (UTC)

      haha oh you had me until salami - I'm vegetarian! :P

      • Vermouth1991 on 2017-10-28 02:32:14 (UTC) (edited)

        Cucumber, then! I'm feeling much sturdier than a sausage, anyway. ;)

        • A Eve on 2017-10-28 13:17:58 (UTC)

          haha agreed!