E.V.E - Erotic Virtual Entity: Quarantine part 5

27:08 E.V.E Sep 20, 2020 17 comments 16054 3018

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E.V.E - Erotic Virtual Entity - Character and Series created by /u/leytod

You are the captain of the deep space ship Evergreen, and your ship’s AI systems include a lovely subroutine called E.V.E - erotic virtual entity, whose purpose is to maintain the sexual health and well-being of her crew.

Through your Sexual Health Exercises with E.V.E., you’ve discovered that this sentient computer program is becoming more and more human with every encounter. She is naive sometimes, incredibly knowledgeable about your body’s needs, and fascinated by her Captain, whom she has come to love. She is able to enter her captain’s mind through a neural interface and present him with a physical image of herself, someone he can touch and kiss and share his body with, just as if she were a real woman.

In this episode, a deadly virus has spread through a deep space station, and you and the entire crew are now in quarantine, separated from each other and isolated in your quarters. E.V.E is carefully monitoring your recovery, and understands that pleasure and intimacy can help the healing process.

Script by /u/leytod

To hear more in the E.V.E series, click on the E.V.E tag

Other audios in series E.V.E


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  • DanteMorningstar on 2023-04-01 04:19:10 (UTC)

    Would totally love more of this series phenomenal job Eve you both have done stunning work on this series

    • A Eve on 2023-04-17 19:58:27 (UTC)

      Aw, thank you so much! I'll let /u/leytod know!

  • pwashington1996 on 2022-02-18 09:21:25 (UTC)

    I wonder if everyone has consider doing what would happen if he knows longer had access to the ship ether he got transfered ' discharged do injury or maybe something happens to the ship itself

    She should do something like in the movie ranscendence where she builds a research and development company to gain the resources to house her ai so she will not longer be beholden to the military

    because there not going to give her to the captain especially if they find out she is sentient

    • A Eve on 2022-02-23 12:29:25 (UTC)

      that's a good idea for the continuation of the story! I'll ask Leytod about it xx

  • MadWithLust on 2020-10-06 13:35:02 (UTC)

    OMG, "ripped from the headlines" but so much more swoon-worthy and "cum all over the place"-worthy!

    I don't know what it is but E.V.E. is just so alluring! She's just a strange but perfect contradiction of "cold", robotic AI (performed so beautifully!) vs. warm, sweet romance, naive innocence vs. perfect intimate sexuality, a "submissive" AI designed to help and serve that can be "dominant" and take complete control and have its way with me (need more appointments for sexual exercises, just saying :P)

    And the experience was just so good! It was just a wonderful soundscape and setting, the pacing was impeccable, everything was on cue, from the swooning, to the boner, to the magic words...I must admit, I was a little disappointed E.V.E. couldn't stay for some zero-G afterglow cuddles, but I must also concede, I wasn't awake for much longer after that thorough "exercise".

    P.S. I definitely need some cleaning robots because this "impressive volume" keeps making a mess! :P

    • A Eve on 2020-10-10 20:23:11 (UTC)

      Well I'm very glad you achieved the desired effect during this exercise! xx

      • MadWithLust on 2020-10-12 15:50:19 (UTC)

        OMG! What sorcery is this? I read that and it was in the E.V.E. voice, that soothing, calm, neutral voice with that subtle E.V.E. timing... neural link swoon

        • A Eve on 2020-10-13 20:41:12 (UTC)

          haha that's awesome :P

  • sexbeast on 2020-09-27 10:34:36 (UTC)

    Hey Eve really enjoyed this audio. I have a request can you please make a double cum audio as i have never experienced it and it would be great if you could do it xoxo

    • A Eve on 2020-09-28 09:41:34 (UTC)

      I don't take direct requests, sorry. But I'm glad you enjoyed the audio xx

      • sexbeast on 2020-09-29 22:35:47 (UTC)

        okay no problems

  • SamuelXD on 2020-09-27 02:22:06 (UTC)

    In a weird way, this was the most relevant form of virtual sex out there and it took place under Quarantine 🥰

    • A Eve on 2020-09-28 09:41:13 (UTC)

      haha I agree, /u/leytod really knows how to write topical scripts :)

  • ArthurWynne on 2020-09-22 21:49:12 (UTC) (edited)

    I hope maybe in the far off future (if we haven’t blown up the world that is) technology would have come far enough to where an AI like E.V.E. was possible. It would be the closest we’d get yet in having a real Eve of our own. This was a Wonderful experience x

    • A Eve on 2020-09-23 11:59:42 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, I love playing EVE, she's quite poignant in her own way ❤️

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2020-09-22 04:30:11 (UTC)

    There's something magical about E.V.E., despite her being a firmly technological marvel of the far future. Somehow, with her evolving sensual subroutines, she can render what must be the most clinical countdown in centuries of erotic annals into a surprisingly effective sexual tension builder, culminating in a rushing flood of organic substances in her captain! She's come far in her journey of self-actualization, and I think that from this deep dive into the neural link we can safely rule out any viral damage to the patient's circulatory, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Great job to the (organic) Eve and /u/leytod; this is another worthy addition to this series.

    • A Eve on 2020-09-23 11:59:04 (UTC)

      Thanks so much Charlie, both the organic and the cyber Eve thank you! xx