Bedtime Stories: How to Live to Be 200 by Stephen Leacock

07:56 Bedtime Stories May 25, 2021 2 comments 1128 368

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This bedtime story by Canadian humourist Stephen Leacock is gently humourous and softly spoken, to help you smile before you drift off. Leacock was an influence on Jack Benny and Groucho Marx (google them, young ones) and is beloved in Canada. I'll be adding more 'gentle humour' bedtime stories in the future, I hope you enjoy!

Gentle Humour is a new category of SFW sleep audios that I've added to my podcast (for non-erotic content) Chill: Simple Relaxation for Everyone. You can find the podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon, Stitcher and others, so please subscribe if you'd like to be kept updated on new episodes. I try to post twice a week, including a Friday Check In audio on Fridays to help you take some much needed time for yourself.

I will be adding new audios to Chill, but I'll also be posting some of my classic audios from here, such as Sweet Nothings, Let's Go for a Walk, etc.

You'll always be able to hear every audio I post there on this site too (this is my home after all!), but if you want SFW in the form of a podcast, please do subscribe.

Other audios in Bedtime Stories


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  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2021-06-16 07:32:56 (UTC)

    I've lived in this country all my life and yet I've never heard of Stephen Leacock. But thanks to you, I have now! I liked his message in this story of his, about the importance of enjoying life over maximizing the span of years for its own sake through dubious health practices. These health fads bring to mind the ironic follies of people throughout history, from ancient Chinese rulers drinking mercury-containing immortality elixirs to the consumption of medicinal pulverized Egyptian mummies, all the way up to radium-laced water tonics in the not-too-distant past (certainly within Leacock's own lifetime).

    A quick Google of Stephen Leacock reveals he was born in England and lived primarily in Toronto, but he toured the country & even visited my city in the 30's, of which he had a favourable opinion. Thanks for this little bit of midnight relaxation, Eve!

    • A Eve on 2021-06-28 21:08:39 (UTC)

      Well I'm happy to be the one to introduce you to this gem. I remember reading one of his stories in a high school class, with the book hidden in my text book, and I burst out laughing at one point over something he'd written, right at the most sombre part of the class. I was a troublemaker even then!