Blowjob Tutorial - An Instructional Audio for Couples, Cock Lovers and Cock Owners

36:10 Tutorial Feb 24, 2019 27 comments 96307 8734

Download (49 MB, MP3)

This kind of audio is a first for me - it's a mixture of instructional and performance, both with the aim of helping cock lovers of all kinds give excellent head!

I wrote this primarily to be listened to by couples, sharing earbuds or listening over speakers. But of course, if you're on your own you can certainly enjoy it too. I've just never done an audio specifically for couples before, and wanted to get started with something dear to my heart - the blowjob.

Whether you're a blowjob virgin, or very experienced, I hope you enjoy this little tutorial!


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  • Cuddlelover on 2024-03-02 16:19:55 (UTC)

    Amazing Eve! I don't have a partner, I just imagined you were demonstrating your amazing oral skills on me. Your lips felt so soft, wet and warm. You should definitely create more of these tutorials.

    Maybe on how to pleasure a woman orally, or one for the ladies how to pleasure themselves. I bet you have a hive of sexual techniques stored in your beautiful mind. Maybe you should become a sexual therapist!

    • A Eve on 2024-03-11 19:52:47 (UTC)

      Haha some people say I already am!

  • zkdark10 on 2023-01-30 17:15:04 (UTC)

    Do you have any plans to make more of these? We found it incredibly hot and fun

    • A Eve on 2023-01-31 21:51:24 (UTC)

      I'd like to, I just don't have a lot of time at the moment. I hope to be able to return to tutorials soon - thanks!

  • PornFan on 2022-01-02 20:50:33 (UTC)

    Having your balls sucked is AMAZING! If I ever experienced one of your blowjobs I would nut like a beast. 😍

    • A Eve on 2022-01-17 23:35:08 (UTC)

      haha 'nut like a beast', I love that

  • Skanderuuu on 2019-05-04 12:29:28 (UTC)

    Hello Eve. I wanted to say thank you to you and to job you produce. I discovered your work less than a week ago. You also made me discover my penis in a way that I didn't before and I understand how it works better now and you helped me grow some self confidence (in a sexual and normal way) which I desperately needed. And I discovered and rediscovered about my kinks and took pleasure because of you so thank you !!

    • A Eve on 2019-05-09 13:26:06 (UTC)

      My pleasure!😘

  • Endafin on 2019-04-09 20:55:45 (UTC)

    I would probably not last for 5 minutes with you :P i love your bjs on audio much, much more then any blowjob video.

    • AverageBoobLover on 2021-06-30 09:24:41 (UTC)

      Less than 5? Ok showoff.

      Try less than 2. Lol <3

    • A Eve on 2019-04-10 19:05:18 (UTC)

      Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy them!

  • Cashmeowsawhowbowdah on 2019-03-15 10:39:14 (UTC)

    I've always thought that if anyone could teach a class on this, it would be none other than Eve! Now, I would be interested in a similar tutorial on "how to return the favor" but I don't know how that would work exactly. If the idea of pretending to go down on.. yourself? is too weird for you (as it probably would be for myself too) maybe you could just give some pointers on what techniques make you and other women feel as good as we typically do at the end of these audios. Or maybe you've already done that and I'm just forgetting.

    • AverageBoobLover on 2021-06-30 09:21:35 (UTC)

      Yea what they said^

      Ladies! We want to please! So Eve, is there a “returning the favor” audio these days? Noticed this thread is a couple years old...

    • A Eve on 2019-03-15 20:33:39 (UTC)

      Thank you! I'm working with the script writer to come up with a returning the favour version, or if that fails I'll just write one of my own. I think it would work well without the sound effects, just basically an instructional audio for what to do to her, and a bit of encouragement for her to relax and enjoy it.

  • elfpupil on 2019-03-06 01:40:50 (UTC)

    This was such a comforting and relaxing listen after such a long day! Your oral sound effects were super hot as always, and the sweet narration swept all my stress away. Thanks Eve 💕

    • A Eve on 2019-03-06 21:27:05 (UTC)

      You're very, very welcome! 💋

  • ArthurWynne on 2019-02-27 22:45:06 (UTC)

    Thank you, Eve for Another exquisite masterwork. In fact I’ll shut up now. The master is at work! (Sorry that sounded way better in my head)

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:56:58 (UTC)

      haha aww, you never have to shut up. Thank you so much!

  • AnotherAfterglow on 2019-02-27 17:48:10 (UTC)

    This is really wonderful. As I work to rebuild the sexual part of my relationship with my wife, which has gotten a little stale over the years, you could not have done this at a better time. She is too uncomfortable to listen to this with me. But, I was able to put this on a memory stick and give it to her saying that it is OK if she wants to listen and OK if she does not - and I won't ask whether she does. I think it perfectly captures the kind of slow, sensual, loving BJ I would really like to have from her. Thanks!

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:56:35 (UTC)

      Well this is a wonderful compliment, and just what I hoped for with this. I hope she will listen at some point. Thank you!

  • SamuelXD on 2019-02-26 05:25:22 (UTC)

    Honestly, this was the most educational sex ed class I've ever had. My favourite part was putting the emotional aspect into a BJ, not treating it like a chore 😊

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:55:54 (UTC)

      Thank you! I agree, it has to come from a place of real enthusiasm, and I think that's something a partner can embrace if they want to.

  • Comfortable on 2019-02-25 13:48:01 (UTC)

    I really liked this. It reminded me a bit of Nina Hartley's sex ed videos that I watched when I was a teenager. Even though I don't yet have a partner to experience this with, this really helped me consider the woman's perspective a bit. I hope you make more of these. You're clearly a passionate teacher.

    I think you're spot on with the most important thing being enthusiasm and a genuine desire to please your partner. Goes both ways too. Sometimes I hear people talking about oral sex as if it's some chore that they begrudgingly do, and I've always thought that was an unhealthy way to look at it. It's an opportunity to bring your partner pleasure and deepen your intimacy. Why wouldn't you go into that with all the enthusiasm in the world?

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:55:15 (UTC)

      Thank you, that's a great compliment! And I agree - if you think of it as a chore, don't do it at all. It's better to focus on the things you like rather than make your partner feel bad about it (and they will pick up on it, no matter what)

    • Darx on 2019-02-25 16:59:43 (UTC)

      Nina Hartley is a treasure.

  • Darx on 2019-02-25 07:34:41 (UTC)

    Where was this when I was still with my ex? Don't get me wrong, she was good. Very good. At the parts she did, anyway. She always went straight to business and when it was over it was over. I always wanted to try a guided session with me telling her pretty much all of what you just did. I tried leading by example. I love spending time down on a woman, doing all of the teasing and buildup before ever going near her clit. But the hint was never taken, sadly and I never took initiative.

    • A Eve on 2019-02-27 22:54:12 (UTC)

      I know not all partners would be receptive to things like this, but hopefully it will work for some people. And maybe next time you'll be able to suggest it with this audio :P