Let's Go for a Sexy Walk...a meditation and some cock appreciation

07:29 Let's Go for a Sexy Walk May 14, 2018 14 comments 27280 5437

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In the same way I started introducing sexy time into my Sweet Nothings (my Sweeter Nothings series), I thought I'd do the same for my (usually) non-erotic Let's Go for a Walk series.

I thought of this as a kind of meditation, too, helping you take a moment to clear your mind and just be here for a moment.

Wherever you are today, just take ten minutes and come for a sexy walk with me...

I actually recorded this outside, on a walk in my local park, so there are some wind noises and a bit of mic 'plosions, I hope you don't mind


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  • WeThePhenomenal on 2018-06-17 18:02:06 (UTC)

    These past few weeks have been really picking up with both work and some big decisions. Because of that, daily meditation has become more important in daily life than ever, and this meditation I have used a handful of times already. So calming, and of course unique with the spicier elements. But even so, it feels flowing and relaxing and natural as a part of the meditation. I guess you could say it strengthens some of the lower chakras :P Thank you for another relaxing walk, and a unique one at that!

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:30:21 (UTC)

      I'm glad you enjoyed it! I like to find some balance, even with sexy times :P

  • Quincy216 on 2018-05-15 05:58:55 (UTC)

    I'm still astounded by the amount of content you graciously allow us to download. Because your catalog is so extensive, The Garden file on my mp3 is too. I have multiple playlists of faves. I listen to a "Walk" at least once a week. I've stood in front of the Christmas story house during the season listening to the Christmas walk. You've created this amazing work. Provided the mechanism to have these wonderful moments. Just as I read a bit of this or that to help my mind or do exercises to help my body, I have regular Garden sessions to help keep my center. For me, this site has become a welcomed mental, emotional, sexual, spiritual health resource that I tap into frequently. My gratitude runs deep.

    This meditation was just what I needed after work today. Fyi: I followed this with the SN: Waiting for the world to change and the Mid-summer Walk. First time doing that combo. Not bad. Thank you Ms Eve for this audio and for your creativity, intelligence, caring, sexiness, and passion.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:29:49 (UTC)

      You're very welcome Q, thanks for taking your walks with me ❤️

  • SamuelXD on 2018-05-15 05:00:35 (UTC)

    This felt very realistic. I just hope we went on a late night walk in the park. Actually, it sounded really romantic 😊😉

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:29:12 (UTC)

      Aww, yes, that's what I had in mind

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-05-15 02:25:30 (UTC)

    I thought that this aud -- no wait, chasing away thoughts! :D

    As always, the progressive meditation is very soothing and stress-busting to listen to, and when it comes to the sexy time, even this 'spicier' moment feels therapeutic and like an organic part of the audio as a whole. I like the ambience a lot, the birdsong, the wind, the sound of your footsteps on the trail at the end; those details all serve to enhance the sensation of existing in this present moment that you have lovingly crafted. Honestly I didn't notice any T and P plosives, even after your annotation alerted me to their presence.

    I was going to paint cygnets in a nearby pond into my imaginary canvas, but then I remembered the parents don't make sounds conducive to ASMR when they shoo you off! 😂

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:28:56 (UTC)

      haha no they don't! There is a family of swans nearby that do leave their teenagers on their own, I've noticed. It's the first time I've seen that - the babies aren't really young, but they aren't very big yet either, and yet the parents are up in a different part, as if they need a break! :P

  • Matthew on 2018-05-14 23:10:10 (UTC) (edited)

    Eve this was such a wonderful walk. You swept my stress away with your soft voice,

    if I ever get stressed again I will always remember this special moment thank you so much for this meditive moment I loved it😃😘

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:27:43 (UTC)

      I'm glad! You can always re-listen whenever you get stressed 😘

  • Quincy216 on 2018-05-14 22:46:44 (UTC)

    In the spirit of being in "this moment" now, I'll leave this little comment. I'm on a park bench next to the old steel mill by my house. The meditation was great but as a result of the sexy part, I'm just gonna chill here for a minute before I stand up and try to make the walk home. That's not a criticism by any means. This was fantastic. But, as you say, it's a beautiful day out. So I'll sit and enjoy it for a bit.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:27:21 (UTC)

      I'm sorry I'm so late in replying to this, I hope you're not still sitting there :P 😘

  • joetinla on 2018-05-14 19:24:24 (UTC)

    I really do love going on these little walks with you Miss Eve.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:26:52 (UTC)

      Aww, I'm glad to hear it Tinla!