Cock Worship - My Splendid Black Man

13:49 Cock Worship May 05, 2018 18 comments 34124 5686

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I've had a few requests to do an audio specifically for listeners of colour, and up to now I've been hesitant because it can be such a difficult theme to do properly. I personally don't like the way black men are portrayed in most porn, and I didn't want to do anything that implied 'race play'.

So this audio doesn't feature any of the stereotypes or tropes you might be used to when dealing with black men and sexuality. This is simply a loving moment between an interracial couple, touching lightly on the issue in places but not focusing on it.

While the listener is referred to as black, this could definitely apply to anyone of darker skin. Or if you're lily white like me, you can just ignore those parts of the audio and enjoy it anyway.


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  • firsttimelongtimeeverytime on 2018-05-31 22:41:13 (UTC)

    Hi Eve,

    This audio was great (brown velvet lol). I'm a longtime listener to your audios and especially in love with the DREAM (since it was erotic hypnotic) series because they allow me to immerse myself more than visual porn. I'm a black man and I agree with your statement on the portrayal we (and black women) get in porn: generally taboo objects. This was a great departure from that. You've made this splendid black man very happy and I hope to hear more like this.

    • A Eve on 2018-07-21 10:13:22 (UTC)

      Aww, that's awesome, thank you so much! 💋

  • pukka on 2018-05-10 21:44:17 (UTC)

    looks good, can we get one for white men too?

    • A Eve on 2018-05-14 11:02:44 (UTC)

      Now and then I do special audios for specific groups of guys who either a) don't hear or see a lot of erotic material meant for them or b) what they do see and hear is negative or fetishized - here are a few examples

      For bigger bodied guys

      For uncircumcized guys

      For visually impaired guys

      For guys with smaller cocks

      For Spanish speakers

      A 'regular' guy could complain that these 'aren't for him' and 'where are the audios for X' but I would hope my listeners would be generous enough to allow these guys to have their special audios now and then, and just enjoy the 750 other audios that aren't this specific.

  • BasitSaleem44 on 2018-05-07 14:19:49 (UTC)

    Nice One I Like It. You Said You Don't Like The Way Black Men Are Portrayed In The Most Porn. What Do You Specifically Mean. I Didnt Get Your Point EVE. I Think Black Men Love The Way They Are Portrayed Infact I Know Black Men Love The Way They Are Portrayed In Most Porn. But Maybe You've Seen Something Weird Who Knows There's Alot Of Porn Stuff Out There You Never Know ;)

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:30:25 (UTC)

      Well I don't want to get into it, it's just that it's not often you see things like this audio.

      • Dragonoferos on 2018-06-30 04:48:13 (UTC)

        You're right, and that's the case for visual porn as well. In a TON of erotic films with men that look like me (black men) and women who aren't black, we are portrayed as home invaders, escaped convicts, current inmates, or stereotypical gangsters and drug dealers. If it's not that, it's often a scenario where some lady is cheating on her spouse/boyfriend or we're being fetishized. I'm not at all suggesting those roles are exclusive to black men in porn, but it is/was incredibly common and things haven't drastically changed. I wish we had more interracial videos where the people involved were depicted as a healthy couple, as you already frequently see with monoracial partners on film. That gets into a much broader conversation about race and general issues with porn, but still... Anyway, thank you for the route you chose to take. This is very well done!

  • Green50tiger on 2018-05-07 03:40:00 (UTC)

    Aside from making me smile like a fool at the outstanding pillow talk, it warmed my heart. My daughter is engaged to a black man - he’s a good man and she’s a redhead - you want to see contrast??? There’s Nobody whiter than a redhead. Another wonderful clip, Eve.

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:29:58 (UTC)

      Thank you! And I can just imagine, they must be quite striking together!

  • MGShadow1989 on 2018-05-06 12:54:02 (UTC)

    I love how much of your content is aimed at addressing porn-influenced misconceptions - also, not just related to this audio, but I love how authentic it sounds; I'm genuinely laughing and smiling at the playful giggly moments. "Here's why I started dating you" with a mouthful, fucking killed me, lol

    As for the context of this, I enjoyed it, beyond the awesome sounds, from an inverted experience - I lived in Africa for a few years, (I was an extra crispy Scottish bloke...) Kenya specifically, and I had a relationship during that time. One of the most intimate relationships I've been in.

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:29:39 (UTC)

      haha an extra crispy Scottish bloke, I love it :p

  • SamuelXD on 2018-05-06 04:01:03 (UTC)

    WOW!!! This was really tastefully done. Race and skin colour shouldn't determine who people fall in love with and you showed a great example of it 😊

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:29:22 (UTC)

      Thanks Samuel! I totally agree 😘

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2018-05-05 22:57:52 (UTC) (edited)

    I've spent the past year learning that many quality women (the sapiosexual, for instance) are highly attracted to the qualities inherent in a man's mind, and the last time I checked living assemblages of gray and white matter are all the colour pink. 🧠😋 I thought your character struck a sensitively-tuned balance, acknowledging her man's blackness as an appealing part of the wholeness of the being she loves without stereotyping it into a fetish like much, as you say, interracial/BBC porn does.

    Through it all, you make it plain just how much she loves him, being in his intimate company, enjoying the physical sensations of fucking him - all universal things that will engage a listener of this audio no matter the colour of their skin. Splendid effort, Eve! 💎

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:29:03 (UTC)

      Thanks Charlie! 💋

  • Durgarnkuld on 2018-05-05 18:55:45 (UTC)

    Once you go Eve, you never go back. That's the saying, right?

  • Matthew on 2018-05-05 17:41:17 (UTC) (edited)

    we are all guys underneath, just a passing thought

    Eve Listening to this audio, I did see bigger picture for example if you love someone what does it matter what colour their skin is, anyway a great scenario between to lovers, such a lovely and beautiful touch well done that was marvelous 👍👍😃

    • A Eve on 2018-05-08 20:28:15 (UTC)

      Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!