So Close...a comforting, affectionate snuggle (non-erotic)

07:53 Cuddly Sep 11, 2017 32 comments 10661 3194

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This lovely script by /u/cuddle_with_me really spoke to me - and I know that lots of other people need to hear this kind of thing too. We all dislike our bodies sometimes, and we all feel that need for closeness and acceptance regardless of the shape our bodies take.

So take a break with me and hug me tight...let's just enjoy being together for a little while ❤️


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  • Sang on 2017-09-15 19:37:03 (UTC)

    Just gonna be honest here. These affectionate, romantic, non-erotic audios are my favorite thing on this site.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:14:10 (UTC)

      Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them, I think it's just as important to feel cuddly and intimate as it to feel sexually stimulated.

  • Murtaugh83 on 2017-09-14 00:38:21 (UTC)

    Eve I have to thank both you and the author. There are times when we feel unloved and these type of audios do a lot to counteract those feelings. It conjures up images of a slow dance to soft music and an evening spent in good company. M

    • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:14:40 (UTC)

      Thank you so much, M, I'm delighted it makes you feel that way. 💋

  • stormmuse on 2017-09-13 13:04:13 (UTC)

    As I approach the anniversary of my divorce being final, plus being abandoned mid-date as, apparently, she saw something better, my emotional state has been pretty thrashed. And, Eve, you came right to the rescue with this lovely sentiment.

    I can't lie and say I don't miss sex, but let's be honest, we can handle that ourselves, if need be. There are absolutely delicious erotic audios that can fire the imagination, toys that can stimulate, and even just our own selves. What we can't cuddle in and comfort ourselves. We can't give ourselves that feeling that someone, even if only for a time, and across the void of the internet, cares...that we are worth being loved and adored.

    That is what this gave me, Eve, and there aren't words enough to describe my gratitude, milady. Thank you, Eve!

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:10:12 (UTC)

      I'm sorry to hear you've been through the ringer, and that date you went on - I am gobsmacked that someone would do that. I apologize on behalf of my sex.

      I'm so glad you enjoy these cuddles, I know what you mean - we all could use some more simple affection and intimacy these days 💋

  • joetinla1967 on 2017-09-12 21:40:24 (UTC)

    That was beautiful miss Eve and Billy's right you have great timing it's always when I'm feeling a little lost that I find sanctuary in your voice thank you

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:10:26 (UTC)

      That's so lovely, Mr. Tinla... :P

  • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-12 11:29:11 (UTC)

    Perfect timing Eve. I started my diet yesterday and by bed time I had the munchies sooo bad. What better distraction than a snuggle with Eve. It's good to know that there are people in this world who will accept you for who you are, especially when it's so easy to think the worst about yourself. Thank you for being our cheerleader, Eve. You can shake your pompoms in my face any day. 😅

    Good script /u/cuddle_with_me. Works like this remind us that we're never as alone as we may feel.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:11:09 (UTC)

      Aww, good luck with your new eating habits, Billy, I hope it gets easier for you. And you know how much I love to shake my pom poms :P

    • Georgio36 on 2017-09-12 13:32:52 (UTC)

      Wishing you all the best in your health journey Billy. It's always hard in the beginning. One thing you can do is eat fruit if you get the munchies late at night. It's still healthy, won't kill your diet plan & you'll be full. It's all about portion control too. Just put your food in small bowls & drink lots of water. It should help a lot & I know you'll do great. Have a great week 💯

      • billymacorbuddy on 2017-09-12 20:45:27 (UTC)

        Thanks Geo! I do keep fruits and vegetables as a regular part of my diet. The problem is that I ran out of calories for the day, so eating anything after that point wasn't an option. I've done this before, I just need to get back into the routine.

  • Babybae on 2017-09-12 07:29:58 (UTC)

    I was about to ramble. Short version, Good Audio Eve, nice work cuddle_

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:11:28 (UTC)

      TL;dr - thank you :P

  • SamuelXD on 2017-09-12 02:17:09 (UTC)

    I am e-bear hugging you as we speak and I don't want to let go 🤗🤗🤗 It's like being on cloud nine, surrounded by white doves.

    Seriously though, there are numerous times where I've disliked my body, so accepting it was a huge challenge as well as accepting myself and being close to people. Then again, I was born 5 months premature..... so I'm cool.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:13:05 (UTC)

      Wow, 5 months...are you sure that's right? That would mean you were born at about 16 weeks' gestation, I didn't think that was even possible! You're a miracle! :p

  • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-11 23:44:56 (UTC)

    I came from a good family but hugs were rare and I quickly learned to do without them or any other kind of touch, to the point that in the rare times I did partake in hugging the human contact felt great but I was always anxious that it might be lasting longer than is proper, with the result that I ended them too quickly, and unintentionally sending the signal that I was a bit emotionally aloof. Over the past few years though I think I've gotten better at this hangup. Having to work and get to know well so many coworkers over the years, like they were my extended family, brought me out of my shell, with opportunities to celebrate birthdays, promotions, and other milestones together, provide a comforting shoulder and a receptive ear whenever someone confided in me with personal matters, or the sad times when we'd all learn that we'd lost a well-liked colleague to illness.

    Still, there are ramparts I'm still working on so they won't be quite so high, and this is probably a big reason your cuddly, non-erotic audios evoke such a strongly resonant response from my heart. Not just to merely know, but to truly believe with conviction that wanting closeness and acceptance from someone is not only permissible, but also the most natural thing in the world, is a relatively new and wonderful thing to me. Regarding my body I've lost a fair amount of weight but when I achieved this goal it felt like there was always something else to find dissatisfaction in, like wishing I was taller than 5'8". In the face of this I try remembering to take your words to heart and just be, while being grateful for the simple fact that I am still whole and healthy.

    Georgio's closing line was very sweet, so I want to second it, and I'm going to listen to this audio again so I can savour this close moment with you for just a little while longer. And here, please have a squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze from me that I hope will reach you from over 7000km away. 💝

    And thank you, cuddle_with_me, for using your gift with words to articulate all of these feelings in a way that touches the deepest levels of our common human psyche.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:17:33 (UTC)

      I know a lot of people grew up in families that weren't very physically affectionate, and it can be a hurdle as you say. But I think the biggest hurdle is also just accepting that whatever you look like, fat, skinny, 8 feet tall, whatever - you are cuddle-worthy 😘

  • cuddle_with_me on 2017-09-11 17:22:14 (UTC)

    Thank you for recording this, Eve 💖. I battle with this and with closeness as much as anyone and it's a sweet feeling to have someone near who chooses to be there.

    • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:15:35 (UTC)

      Thanks for writing this, I'm glad you enjoyed it! 💋

  • Georgio36 on 2017-09-11 17:21:40 (UTC)

    Aw Eve hugging you would be the coolest & sweetest thing to do right now.  cuddle_with_me scripts with your voice are such a blessing in hard times. There are things I dislike about my body like my teeth or smile for example. Sometimes what I need first is a nice good snuggle/kisses & to be in a caring woman's arms with her letting me know everything is going to be ok. I'll listen to this if my mood ever turns sour. Thanks for sharing the gift your beautiful heart with us. Have a great day 😊🌸

    • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-11 23:54:26 (UTC) (edited)

      From reading your sunny comments over the past several months I've a feeling you've that sort of smile that, more than a mere flashing of teeth, is bestowed upon someone with your entire being. On the other hand, I sometimes regard my own smile being more like Professor Snape's. 😜

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-12 14:03:26 (UTC) (edited)

        Here's a link to what I look like. I hope it's ok to post this Eve.

        By the way, I like Professor Snape. He such a badass lol & he was one of my favorite teachers on there because of how his look & attitude was 😆. I enjoyed the Harry Potter Movies. Keep being awesome Charlie

        • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:18:52 (UTC)

          No problem, I just formatted it into a link for you, you handsome devil :P

        • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-13 01:29:36 (UTC)

          I think that as long as you feel comfortable about it, that's the most important thing. It's a delicate balance between sharing and keeping ourselves safe from the malicious sorts out there. And some places like GWA have strict rules on maintaining anonymity for obvious reasons.

          As I expected, you've a winning smile, my friend. I kind of envy you the whiteness of your teeth! 😀 A useful tip for caring for your smile: if you drink acidic beverages like pop or orange juice, rinse your teeth afterward so your enamel won't suffer the effects of acid erosion like mine has. Okay, my stint moonlighting as a dentist is over. 😋

          • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:19:35 (UTC)

            you can also chew xylitol gum for that, works wonders!

            • CharlieRomeoLima on 2017-09-13 21:40:44 (UTC)

              I did not know that. Thanks Eve, you're a veritable font of invaluable advice!

              • A Eve on 2017-09-16 19:15:13 (UTC)

                I call myself a 'font of useless information' - I think I like yours better :P

          • Georgio36 on 2017-09-13 03:42:45 (UTC) (edited)

            Thanks for the teeth care advice! 😊. It helps more than you know. Also sometimes the whiteness of my teeth depends on the toothpaste I use or whatever I eat. Im doing my best to care for them cuz they aren't super perfect. The reason I showed you my pic was so you could see how my smile is different cuz of a childhood health condition. I promise to be careful about what I put online & be safe. Thanks for replying back man 🌟

      • Georgio36 on 2017-09-12 13:08:50 (UTC) (edited)

        I really appreciate the kind & encouraging words Charlie 😊. It's an honor getting to know you, Eve, Billy & all the great people here over the last couple Months. I definitely feel like I have a safe haven here & people like you make it even more brighter. Also we have the same height almost. I'm 5'9 & actually our height is the average height for a man. Nothing wrong with what you got. Your heart is way taller than that 🌟

        • A Eve on 2017-09-13 21:20:10 (UTC)

          aww, that's so sweet! I'm 5'6 so you're all taller than me anyway! :P

    • A Eve on 2017-09-11 18:15:57 (UTC)

      Thank you for your lovely words, Geo, you always brighten my day 💕