Stay With Me : A Novel by Eve Elliot - Chapter 2

28:34 Stay With Me: A Novel episode 3 / 31 Nov 04, 2015 5 comments 4533 1167

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Chapter Two finds Alex and Erik arriving at the cabin, where Alex plans to seduce him.

The first stumbling block? Convincing him he needs an intervention in the first place...

Romance novels, as I've mentioned in Under the Covers, are a bit different than your average erotic audio script. They are full novels - this one is 30 chapters - and the story has a much slower build up, more background, a bit more sexual tension before the couple gets together. Thanks for sticking in there with me and letting the story take shape - I promise there's lots of hot sex to come (wink wink)

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  • STEVE4EVE on 2016-04-07 22:53:49 (UTC)

    I'd normally be fast-forwarding to the "action", but this build up feels like an essential part of it. All that energy, heat, emotion... building up - it's going to be fireworks when they finally get their hands on each other!

    When I heard the description of Eric's body, and the effect it was having on Alex, I immediately started a round of press-ups, planks and squats as I listened, and vowed to get myself into better shape. When it got to the point in the story where Eric was struggling with his breathing, so was I! At least I matched him on that detail :)

    I felt sorry for Nick, though. He got sent back out into the freezing cold without having had any of the coffee and sandwiches that Alex had prepared.

    • A Eve on 2016-04-08 20:25:43 (UTC)

      Haha I never thought of that! Poor Nick!

  • MadWithLust on 2015-11-10 11:53:36 (UTC)

    Your voice acting never ceases to amaze me! Even the guys' voices in the dialogue get the Eve treatment! I love how the boss has a little southern in his voice. I guess it's one of the perks of reading your own know exactly what the characters are supposed to sound like!

    And by the way, when you were describing the cabin...I couldn't help but wonder where the hot sex is going to happen! Does Alex get thrown on the nice oak table...or taken on the stairs because they can't make it to the bedroom....or maybe outside in the cool air...

    Please be "All of the above".... :P

    • A Eve on 2015-11-11 15:02:11 (UTC)

      haha...oh you delight me so much! :D Just you wait and see!

  • kevin143 on 2015-11-05 02:40:42 (UTC)

    Hey Eve! I just wanna say that you are "The hottest thing" alive on the planet. Whenever I hear your voice I started to loose my senses, your voice control me thereafter. You are my biggest crush. Whenever I listen your soothing, sexy voice its like I'm eating some chocolate cake. Oh my god! I cant get enough of you. I m following you for almost a year and my goodness you are getting hot and sexier each and everyday. I'm very fortunate that I've got a chance to hear such a pretty, hot and sexy lady. My heart starts flying in the sky each and everytime when I listen your voice.You are amazing Eve! And the good thing is that you know this how much your fan love you, adore you, admire you. Your voice can make a dead person alive instantly. There are not enough words which can describe how awesome you are. May God fulfil all your wishes and give you a 100 years healthy life. I love you sweetheart. You are truly a masterpiece made by God.